Digital twin and 3D plugins

Digital Twin and 3D plugins

Elevate Your 3D and Digital Twin Experiences with SuperViz

What Are SuperViz Plugins?

Plugins automatically implement Presence and Contextual comments into your favorite 3D viewer or Library with just a few lines of code. Our plugins  integrates SuperViz’s collaborative features from our Presence and Comments products into your 3D spaces and digital twins without the complexity of custom coding. 


3D plugin for Presence

3D Avatars

3D avatars indicate collaborators’ positions and actions, facilitating a better collaborative experience with a sense of presence.

Real-time Mouse Pointers

Real-time mouse pointers simplify collaboration and enhance collective understanding among participants. 

Real-time Data Engine

Synchronize interface elements among participants, enhancing both productivity and velocity.

Presence controls

Allow users to Go to or Follow participants, enhancing connectivity in digital explorations 3D spaces.


3D plugin for Contextual comments

Pinpoint Location inside 3D

Precisely place comments within 3D spaces, ensuring clarity and context in collaborative feedback and discussions.

Comments Sidebar with Threads

Organize discussions neatly with a comments sidebar, making it simple to navigate through conversations and participate in various threads.

Flexible UI Customization

Customize the comments UI to align seamlessly with your application’s aesthetics and usability, ensuring a coherent user experience.

Secure and Synced Commenting

Ensure secure and synchronized commenting across all user interfaces, maintaining integrity and continuity during collaborative sessions.

Benefits of Using Plugins

Easy Integration

SuperViz plugins bring collaboration to your 3D viewer with minimal code. Add interaction features into your 3D spaces without the heavy lifting of custom development.

Save Development Time

Use plugins to efficiently introduce collaborative features into your applications, saving your team additional development while enhancing the user experience.


SuperViz plugins upgrade user experiences inside Digital twins & 3D environments, offering an intuitive experience that makes exploration inside spatial content more collaborative and engaging.

Reliable Functionalities

SuperViz plugins offer stable, tested collaboration tools, ensuring consistent and dependable communication and cooperation within your Digital twin & 3D spaces.

Supported Platforms and Frameworks

SuperViz plugins are compatible with popular 3D viewers and Javascript libraries, such as Matterport, Autodesk, and Three.js. Our easy-to-build, feature-rich SDK gets you up and running with just a few lines of code.

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