
Design Pattern #6 - Composite Pattern

July 25, 2024

In today’s article, which is part of our series about frontend design patterns, I will explain the Composite Pattern, explore real-world examples, and provide a hands-on JavaScript implementation. Let's dive in!

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Design Pattern #5 - Adapter Pattern

July 11, 2024

Over the past few weeks, I have shared some of the trending design patterns, like the PubSub and the Singleton ones. Today, a new article of this series, about the Adapter Pattern.

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Pub/Sub pattern vs Observer Pattern: what is the difference?

July 04, 2024

The last two articles focused on the Pub/Sub and Observer patterns. While these two patterns share some conceptual similarities, I thought it would be interesting to explore their differences. Hence, this post.

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Design Pattern #4 - Publisher/Subscriber Pattern

June 27, 2024

In the previously article of this series I covered about the Observer Pattern. Today, I want to share with you the Publisher and Subscriber pattern, or the PubSub for the closest friends. I highly recommend reading and understanding the Observer Pattern before continuing this quest.

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Design Pattern #3 - Observer Pattern

June 20, 2024

Continuing our quest into trending design patterns for front-end developers, we follow up our first article on the Singleton pattern with a look at the Facade pattern in this second piece. Now we will dive into the observer pattern.

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Migrate from Cord to SuperViz

June 20, 2024

With the latest announcement from the Cord Team stating that the company is shutting down in August, many of their users are now seeking an alternative. SuperViz shares the same mission: making it easy for any developer to add real-time collaboration to their apps. Today, we want to show you how we can help you transition from Cord to SuperViz.

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