SuperViz for React Flow

SuperViz for React Flow

Enhance your node-based editors and interactive diagram with our SDK and API for easy integration of advanced collaboration features


For developers, by developers

Our developer friendly feature-rich API and SDK gets you up and running with just a few lines of code.

					import { MousePointers, useHTMLPin, Comments, useComments } from '@superviz/react-sdk'
import { useViewport } from 'reactflow'

function Room() {
	const { x, y, zoom } = useViewport()

	const { pin } = useHTMLPin({
		containerId: 'reactflow',

	return (
			<div id='comments'></div>
			<Comments pin={pin} />
			<MousePointers elementId='reactflow' transform={{ translate: { x, y }, scale: zoom }} />
			<ReactFlowComponent />

export default Room

					import SuperVizRoom, { Comments, HTMLPin, MousePointers } from "@superviz/sdk";

export default {
  setup() {
    async function initializeRoom() {
      const room = await SuperVizRoom(DEVELOPER_KEY, {
        roomId: "id-for-the-room",
        group: {
          id: "js-group",
          name: "JavaScript Group",
        participant: {
          id: "id-of-the-participant",
          name: "John",

      const mousePointers = new MousePointers("my-id");
      const pinAdapter = new HTMLPin("my-id");
      const comments = new Comments(pinAdapter);


    onBeforeMount(() => initializeRoom());
					import SuperVizRoom, { Comments, HTMLPin, MousePointers } from "@superviz/sdk";

async function initializeSuperVizRoom() {
  const room = await SuperVizRoom(DEVELOPER_KEY, {
    roomId: "id-for-the-room",
    group: {
      id: "js-group",
      name: "JavaScript Group",
    participant: {
      id: "id-of-the-participant",
      name: "John",

  const mousePointers = new MousePointers("my-id");
  const pinAdapter = new HTMLPin("my-id");
  const comments = new Comments(pinAdapter);



Designed for Everywhere

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Collaborative Node-based dashboard

Why choose SuperViz

Create your first proof of concept in minutes! Our tutorials and demos are here to guide you.


Extend React Flow with a complete set of features

Real-time Co-Editing

Boost productivity by letting users collaboratively edit notes in real-time. Witness the magic of multiple users bringing ideas to life simultaneously.

Contextual Comments

Add threaded comments for direct feedback on your React Flow dashboard. Add pins to specific notes to reduce miscommunication and ensure faster resolutions

Real-time mouse pointers

Enhance user engagement. Real-time mouse pointers seamlessly adapt, providing intuitive interactions inside your React Flow based dashboard.

See who’s online

Add avatars, badges, profile images to your application to quickly see who is online inside the same room.

Video Huddle SDK

Integrate high-quality video conferencing directly into your app, allowing users to connect face-to-face for clearer communication, co-working and productivity.

AI Transcript API

Easily bring AI to your video conference meetings with our AI Transcript API . Obtain essential meeting insights, generate concise summaries, pinpoint crucial decisions and much more.

Why extend your React Flow Solution?

Enhanced Interactive Experience

Integrating SuperViz with a React Flow-based application elevates the user experience by adding real-time collaboration capabilities. Users can interactively engage with flowcharts and diagrams, making collaborative decision-making more dynamic and efficient.

Streamlined Communication

SuperViz’s collaboration tools allow team members to discuss and annotate directly within the React Flow interface. This integration facilitates seamless communication, enabling teams to share insights and feedback instantly, right on the visual elements they’re discussing.

Real-Time Data Synchronization

With SuperViz, changes made in the React Flow diagrams are updated in real-time for all participants. This ensures that every team member is working with the most current data, reducing errors and misunderstandings that can arise from outdated information.

Improved Remote Collaboration

SuperViz’s video conferencing and AI transcript features make it ideal for remote teams using React Flow. Teams can hold virtual meetings and brainstorming sessions within the application, enhancing collaboration and productivity regardless of physical location.

Increased Engagement and Participation

By adding collaboration features, every team member can actively participate in the process mapped out in React Flow. This inclusivity leads to more diverse input and better overall outcomes, as ideas and suggestions are visually and interactively shared.

Versatile Application Across Industries

SuperViz’s collaboration features can be leveraged in various sectors using React Flow, from IT and software development to logistics and project management. This versatility allows for a wide range of use cases, making complex data and workflow visualization more collaborative and interactive.

What is SuperViz?

SuperViz offers developers a comprehensive SDK for building interactive, real-time collaborative applications. Ideal for enhancing design and data workflows, it provides a collection of collaboration components that integrates into modern web-applications.

What is React Flow?

SuperViz offers developers a comprehensive SDK for building interactive, real-time collaborative applications. Ideal for enhancing design and data workflows, it provides a collection of collaboration components that integrates into modern web-applications.

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