Announcing the public launch of the SuperViz SDK for immersive meetings

Posted by | February 9, 2023

Meet the SuperViz SDK!

Anyone with a 3D or digital twin web application can now easily add face-to-face synchronous collaboration, guided tours, and interactive presentations to their platform.

The SuperViz SDK transforms single-user experiences into multi-user, including full video conferencing functionality, support for avatars, shared mouse positions and a powerful sync engine.

It saves development time and resources, with only a few lines of code needed to integrate.

“We’ve created a quick, simple way for our customers to transform their platforms into an all-in-one collaboration solution,” says Russ Rive, SuperViz CEO and Co-Founder. “We help bring people together with a sense of presence whether they work with 3D models, reality capture, digital twins, 360º imagery or any other spatial content.”

After building the leading immersive meeting web application over the last two years, the release of the SDK opens access so that anyone can add the same high-quality immersive collaboration experience to their product.

The SuperViz SDK and digital twin technology

SuperViz technology streamlines workflows and supports sustainability mandates in industries that use 3D models and digital twins.

With the growth of digital twin applications impacting all aspects of project management, the future of remote work lies in adapting new collaboration tools. One challenge of digital twins, though, is that they’re an immersive experience that a person participates in alone.

The SuperViz SDK solves that by delivering missing the team collaboration layer to transform that into a multiplayer experience. You gain the feeling of being present inside the digital twin together, discussing and moving around it.

SuperViz SDK features include:

  • Full-function video conferencing with the ability to define multiple participant types
  • Flexible avatar support for custom models
  • Capacity for 16 Host and Guest participants with access to all features including webcams and avatars
  • Up to 230 Audience participants with Broadcast-style chat privileges and the ability to follow live meetings
  • Real-time synchronization of 3D model views, States, Selections, Objects and more
  • Plugins that simplify integration into popular 3D libraries including Three.js, Matterport, Autodesk, with more coming soon, plus the ability to create your own custom plugins

“Over the years, the biggest request we got from our own web app customers was for us to make the concept work as an embedded feature inside other platforms,” Rive shared. “It turns out the idea of immersive collaboration in 3D space is a very distributed problem, and so we developed our SDK as a way to solve that need.”

The SuperViz SDK makes it easy to start building and includes 1,000 monthly participant minutes for free. Anyone with a web application can use it to bring people together in their platform.

Learn more and sign up for a free account at SDK/API – SuperViz.

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