How the Metaverse is Improving Real-World Business

Posted by | August 11, 2022

Is SuperViz a metaverse company?
How do SuperViz immersive meetings and the metaverse fit together?
Questions like these have become some of the most frequent we get asked.

Buzz about the metaverse seems to have found its way to every corner of the internet this year. There are strong opinions in all directions, but no matter where you stand on it, one thing is clear – the metaverse is already impacting how companies do business.

A recent Time article, by metaverse expert Matthew Ball shared the following:

“Already, nearly a hundred million people a day log onto… platforms that operate tens of millions of interconnected worlds, which support a consistent virtual identity, virtual goods, communications suites, and can be accessed from most devices. Most time in these platforms is spent on leisure—playing games, attending concerts—but we are starting to see people go further.”

SuperViz fits into the latter of those things, that is, the ways that people are taking metaverse applications beyond gaming and social experiences, to improve efficiency, increase productivity, and streamline workflows.

The Time article goes on to describe companies as “busy preparing for the metaverse… reorganizing internally, rewriting their job descriptions, reconstructing their product offerings, and prepping multi-billion-dollar product launches.”

As the leading telepresence platform for meeting inside virtual spaces, SuperViz is an integral tool for customers who are building metaverse strategies. 

SuperViz enables immersive video conferencing that takes single-player 3D spaces and turns them into collaborative multi-player environments. Participants use webcams and avatars to meet remotely to collaborate, present, and sell with a sense of presence that was previously missing from virtual interaction.

“Our mission to improve global access to remote collaboration and connection where a location is the subject, is a perfect fit for companies looking for ways to leverage the metaverse,” says Russ Rive, SuperViz CEO and Cofounder. “Anyone, anywhere can connect remotely with a sense of presence, to conduct business, sell, and collaborate in digital space as if they were really there together.” 

At Superviz, the most anticipated aspect about the rise of metaverse-type experiences is not in the consumer social or gaming possibilities, but in the opportunity to help teams improve how they get things done in real life. 

SuperViz delivers real-time meetings, guided tours, and remote collaboration for any 3D experience, for any industry, at a global scale.

Set-up is simple and intuitive even for people new to the technology. Seamless integrations with Matterport, Sketchfab, Autodesk’s Forge, and access to SuperViz’ own 360° Tour Builder offer dozens of ways to instantly host immersive meetings inside spatial content. 

Partners will soon be able to use the SuperViz SDK to bring immersive meetings to their own spatial content products, too

“It’s almost like we’re creating a virtual teleport machine inside of a web browser. We deliver the sensation of meeting with other people inside a space while giving them the digital tools they need to collaborate, solve challenges, and get work done.

SuperViz enables the metaverse with collaboration and developer tools, and our platform is gaining traction because there’s immense business value and real ROI,” states Rive.

“Yes, the metaverse can seem daunting, if not outright scary, but this moment of change is our chance to bring people together, to transform industries that have resisted disruption, and to build a more equal global economy,” says Ball’s Time article.

How we work and connect remotely is evolving as the metaverse develops, and SuperViz is leading the way in helping businesses use those advances to improve productivity.

Get a free 1:1 consultation to learn more about integrating spatial video conferencing into your metaverse strategy. Click here 
to schedule. 

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