Introducing the new SuperViz React SDK

Posted by | February 26, 2024

Big news! Our new React SDK is here. This will complement our existing JavaScript SDK by providing developers working on React platforms with better compatibility and making it easier to incorporate SuperViz Collaboration components.

To start using the React SDK, just run npm install --save @superviz/react-sdk and then start a room by creating a SuperVizRoomProvider, like shown below:

1import { SuperVizRoomProvider } from "@superviz/react-sdk";
3 function App() {
5 return (
6 <SuperVizRoomProvider
7 developerKey="<developerkey>"
8 group={{
9 id: "<group-id>",
10 name: "<group-name>",
11 }}
12 participant={{
13 id: "<user-id>",
14 name: "<user-name>",
15 }}
16 roomId="<room-id>"
17 >
18 <h1>This is a room</h1>
19 </SuperVizRoomProvider>
20 );
21 }
23 export default App;

To learn more about our React SDK, the components and their utilization, please check out our dedicated documentation section.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to grow and improve our SDK. Happy coding!

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