How to Make Remote BIM Meetings More Effective With SuperViz

Posted by | October 24, 2022

The verdict’s in! Immersive video conferencing is improving the way people engage and understand projects.

SuperViz enables remote meetings directly inside 3D models. All participants have webcams plus freedom of movement throughout the space using customized avatars. Everything operates via browser with clickable meetings links. No downloads are necessary and only the meeting host needs an account.

You can meet and discuss issues directly inside 3D models, increasing productivity and efficiency, with fewer follow-up calls to manage later.

SuperViz CEO and Cofounder Russ Rive recently gave an interview demonstrating key features of the platform for project meetings. Check out the recording below for ideas on using guided features like Follow, Gather-all, and Go-to, along with other tips for hosting impactful remote BIM meetings.

SuperViz offers free consultations on how to incorporate immersive meetings into your workflow.

📅 Click here to schedule now.

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